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To ensure you get the world’s finest quality rice, only AL-NOOR RICE TRADERS has developed unique & special 8-steps Octa-Q Process. This Process starts with sourcing & selecting from authentic rice origins. It all begins in the lush green fertile fields of Punjab, Pakistan that are watered by snow fed rivers originating from Himalayas.


Growing and Harvesting

Rice is a Kharif (Autumn) crop, which means that the planting, cultivation and harvesting is done in monsoon season of the Asian subcontinent. June – July is the season of plantation of rice and harvesting season starts in September and goes till November.Different varieties of rice takes different amount of time to reap hence have different harvesting time.



Rice To Rice

Rice Processing Flow Chart


Rice Bran

Amazingly, rice bran was once considered a trash product and was only used for livestock feed. Fortunately, we now know better! Rice bran is astoundingly healthy for you: Every ounce of rice bran delivers a full 6 grams of fiber —one quarter of the recommended daily allowance — and is a good source of iron, vitamin B6, potassium, thiamine, niacin, manganese, and phosphorus.


The hull of the rice grain is not edible by humans and is removed during processing. Because of its high silica content has tremendous potential as an industrial product.

White Rice

White rice gets an unnecessary bad rap! White rice is full of nutrition, with one cup delivering 12 percent of RDA for niacin, 23% for folate, 17% for thiamin, and 37% for manganese!


S-119, Mauripur Road, Gulbai, S.I.T.E, Karachi, Pakistan.
+92 (21) 32575576
+92 (21) 32578575


1/50 Syedna Tahir Saifuddin Road, Near City Court, Karachi, Pakistan
+92 21 32729507
+92 21 32729546

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